The orphanage is flooding! We really need some help. Like really really bad. Last time this happened some of the kids got malaria and a bunch of others got sick and its just MISERABLE for all the kids there. These beautiful kids really need some help right now. Please help if you can!
100 x 100 for Haiti - Joel and Mandi Frost
Our goal is to raise $10,000 for the FFCIN by getting 100 people to donate $100 each. It won’t be easy, but we think we can do it. If you aren't able to do $100, Any amount helps. Please help us how you can.
Friday, June 3, 2011
The orphanage is flooding! We really need some help. Like really really bad. Last time this happened some of the kids got malaria and a bunch of others got sick and its just MISERABLE for all the kids there. These beautiful kids really need some help right now. Please help if you can!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Books for Haiti
Rebecca is currently trying to collect books for her "Traveling School", so please if you can help us get books!
FFCIN needs books in Haitian Creole. You can order them here:
And mail them here:
1728 W 1100 N #1
St. George, UT 84770
Thank you for your support!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
What a great trip!!!
This is the group that we had in the house with us. In most of these photos, we are in the FFCIN guest house. The first time I got the the guest house, I was amazed at how nice and homey it is. It's so nice to have a comfortable, safe, and clean home to go to after a long day of working with the kids. I just wanted to say that because what Rebecca has done with the home to make it nice for volunteers is great!
Bony, Patrick, and Jimmy have been there on every trip we have been on. These boys are our body guards and translators when we go out and about. And Patrick is our driver as well, which driving in Haiti... well... lets just say I will never ever attempt it. You have to be a very aware, awake, and defensive driver, and Patrick is great! These three guys are also the boys we are helping get to the US to study. Patrick is very close to getting here, we are just working on getting him a sponsor. Jimmy and Bony are currently working on getting their GEDs so we can get them accepted to a college here in the states.
Margareth is amazing! She is the chef of the house, and cooks delicious meals for us. She also keeps the house spotless! I got a few recipes from her while I was there, but haven't dared try them yet because I know they won't be as good as when she cooks them... :) Margareth is also working on getting her GED, and then once we find her a sponsor will come to the US to study. She wants to be a nurse.
Jonas works at the house, and helps Margareth with the house work. He recently had a little baby boy, Jonas Jr.
Marilynn is one of the volunteers that came down to help. Very sweet lady, but unfortunately, she got there the day before we left. So we didn't' get to do much together.
Neil is staying with Rebecca right now, and is just helping her with whatever she needs. He served a mission in Florida, Creole speaking. His goal is to eventually start his own organization in Haiti that would help the Haitian people start their own businesses.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Only one month left!